It’s Important For Your Dog To Follow Directions

If you are a new dog owner, then you are surely curious about the best tips for dog training. The tips below can help you begin training your dog.

All dogs need daily exercise and it can be an important part of your training efforts. Daily exercise shows your dog that he is a member of the family, as well as letting him know you are a strong leader. Exercise encourages his confidence and provides you with wonderful bonding opportunities.

Generous rewards are a key part of training. Knowing when to give him a treat, and how much, is paramount. Dogs won’t know why they’re being rewarded if you’re not consistent.

Always end a training session with your dog on a positive note, even if you have to manipulate the scenario to make your dog successful. Ending a training session immediately after a disciplinary action will mean that your dog will remember the session as being about punishment, not about training.

If your dog barks and growls at strangers in your home, do this: leash your dog, make him sit, wait until his attention is on you, and hand the leash, in full view of the dog, to your guest. Then wait until the dog is calm again, with the guest giving commands as needed. This teaches the dog that your guest ranks above him in “the pack” and he must accept them. When the dog starts to react again, repeat the exercise.

If you have a dog that begs, the easiest way to train them from this behavior might be to simply remove the dog from the situation. Shutting the dog out of the room at mealtimes keeps them from pestering you while you eat, and removes the temptation for you to give in to that cute face.

In conclusion, training your dog can be helpful to get them to behave and perhaps learn some new things. After reading the above advice, you should feel a lot more confident about your own potential as a dog trainer.