In choosing what is the best dog food for Lhasa Apso, it is important to think about the dog’s digestive system and anatomy. The small sized dog is a carnivore and their digestive system works in a very similar way to a human being. Dogs’ digestive systems haven’t much changed from when they were first undomesticated wolves, which means that they are best suited to a high-protein, fresh diet. Commercial dog food manufacturers, however, have come up with better foods for pets, many of which are nutritionally balanced and provide adequate nutrition. This makes for a better diet for the dog overall.
For the most important ingredient to look at when buying commercial dog food for Lhasa Apso, it has to be protein. There are many different formulas available but the most popular is beef (or lamb) based formula. However, one problem with these types of formula is that the protein is usually too high in fat. If your dog is prone to illness or has undergone surgery, you would want to avoid feeding him or her these types of formulas. Lamb and beef proteins are easier to digest and don’t contain high levels of fat.
Your dog also needs to be getting enough dietary fiber. This is a common component in all commercial dog food for Lhasa Apso, as well as most brands of dry cat food. The reason the dry form is used is that it allows for better absorption of the nutrients. A canned formula contains a mixture of meat and fiber, which may not be the healthiest choice for Lhasa apso.
One of the things you should look for in commercially prepared dog food for Lhasa Apso is whether or not the ingredients are “dietary grade”. The term refers to the ingredients being free from additives and preservatives. The problem with most commercial brands is that they use a variety of additives, some of which are questionable at best. Just because a product is labeled as diet doesn’t mean you know what you’re getting.
The best choice is to use a canned dog food that has been created by a reputable breeder who follows a strict regimen for creating their dog’s diet. Such breeders will only use the best meat and plant sources available, so they are more likely to be completely natural and provide excellent nutrition for your lhasa. They are also much more likely to provide necessary vitamins and minerals for a healthy diet.
The best diet will have a balance of high quality meats (such as wild game), vegetables, whole grains, good fats, and good fats with added vitamins. A quality canned diet should contain adequate amounts of protein and fats to promote strong coat condition. Some foods, such as lamb, turkey, chicken, and beef, are known to have special nutrients that are especially beneficial to Lhasa apso. However, a well-balanced diet should contain enough vitamins and minerals to make sure your dog stays healthy. Vitamins E, B, C, and D are particularly important for healthy skin, nails, muscles, bones, etc.
Commercial formulas for dogs can vary greatly, so it is important to read the ingredients and compare between different brands. Many dogs suffer from mineral deficiencies, so the ingredient list should list minerals such as calcium, magnesium, cobalt, chromium, zinc, and copper. If possible, the formula should also contain trace elements such as manganese, selenium, and iodine. The best ingredient sources for homemade, nutritional diet for Lhasa apso are: sweet potatoes, red peppers, carrots, peas, spinach, parsley, halibut, duck eggs, and brewer’s yeast.
To improve the taste and nutrient content of commercially prepared food for dogs, consider making your own mix of ingredients. Use a meat-based broth or water to help dogs whose dental health needs strong brushing, since dry commercial food is harsh on their gums and mouth. For the best possible diet, feed your Lhasa puppies only dry food made especially for them. Never give your dog’s meat bones or other ingredients that could make them more susceptible to infection.